1. New listings

This one is pretty basic, though important. Always share new listings hitting the market to your social accounts.

And not just once: Share them several times. Your entire audience won’t see it each time, so multiple shares and reminders will maximize its reach.

New York City Real Estate Sales Clinton Hill

Cc: Source

Don’t overthink these posts. They can include as little as photos, key details about the house or property, and a link to the listing.

2. Video walkthroughs

Include video wherever and whenever possible. Include it in your listing posts, or share quick 15-30 second clips as separate posts on Instagram Reels and TikTok.

Almost 3/4 of your potential customers (73%) are more likely to list with agents who use video. And, 37% of realtors believe drone video footage is one of the most important emerging marketing trends.

West Haven Group Broadway City Hall video walkthrough

Cc: Source

3. Market update

Whether buying or selling, people tend to follow the market closely for at least a few months before deciding to list or move. Sharing statistics about your local market helps inform your existing clients and puts you in front of new ones.

Use your local real estate board’s monthly or quarterly reports and create either a graphic post or, even better, a Reel or TikTok. These are quick to film and a great way to market yourself with your own personality and presence.

Metro Vancouver TikTok Market Update


4. Tips for buyers

People want to make informed choices about the largest purchase of their lifetime. Put together a list of tips for a wide range of buyers, from those buying their first home or those looking to get into investing.

Video reigns supreme, but all types of social media content can work for this.

Phipps Britain Real Estate


5. Mistakes to avoid

Share what you’ve learned over the years of working with your clients or the top mistakes you see people making. Even better, be vulnerable and share your own mistakes from past purchases or investments.

3 mistakes sellers make when selling their home


Cc: Hootsuite


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